La cultura araba è molto particolare, da un punto di vista religioso, culinario , di usi e di costumi.
Tralasciamo il cibo, non è assolutamente paragonabile al nostro, troppo insipido o condito; non amano la via di mezzo... quindi mi sono concentrata per voi sulla loro culura.
Lalla Hadria Museum è un villaggio di recente costruzione situato vicino al piccolo centro di Midun, un Souk caratteristico Tunisino. All'interno del villaggio c'è una piccola isola dove ci sono 500 coccodrilli importati circa 15 anni fa dal Madagascar, un museo sulle abitazioni tipiche Menzel, ed infine il Lalla Hadria, il vero museo di usi e costumi arabi.
Finally it was time to take a few days of vacation and one week, you can only find anearby destination .
Djerba was the voice this year. A two hour by flight, whit temperatures ranging from 19° to 32° seemed like the perfect combination to spend a few days in peace...
The Arab culture is very unit, from a religious point of view, culinary uses and customs.
We skip the food, is not absolutely comparable to ours , too bland or spiced; do not like the middle way...I then concentrated for you on their culture.
Lalla Hadiria Museum is a newly built village located near the small town of Midun, a typical Tunisian Souk. Inside the village there is a small island where there are 500 crocodiles imported from Madagascar about 15 years ago, a museum Housing the typical Menzel, and finally The Lalla Hadria, a real museum of Arab custom and traditions.
Finally it was time to take a few days of vacation and one week, you can only find anearby destination .
Djerba was the voice this year. A two hour by flight, whit temperatures ranging from 19° to 32° seemed like the perfect combination to spend a few days in peace...
The Arab culture is very unit, from a religious point of view, culinary uses and customs.
We skip the food, is not absolutely comparable to ours , too bland or spiced; do not like the middle way...I then concentrated for you on their culture.
Lalla Hadiria Museum is a newly built village located near the small town of Midun, a typical Tunisian Souk. Inside the village there is a small island where there are 500 crocodiles imported from Madagascar about 15 years ago, a museum Housing the typical Menzel, and finally The Lalla Hadria, a real museum of Arab custom and traditions.
Passando per un cortile di strada sterrata, pieno di palme e da dove si può vedere un tramonto stupendo si arriva alle tipiche abitazioni Tunisine, le case Menzel. Apparentemente sembrano case normali, piuttosto piccole, invece al loro interno hanno dei cortili, dei giardini pieni di fiori e vasi decorati.
Sono dei villaggi e al loro interno si può
trovare di tutto. A me ha particolarmente
colpito una Menzel dove erano esposti
antichi telai e fusi per filare la lana.
Trought a curtyard, where you can see a beautiful sunset, we arrive at the typical Tunisian homes, houses Menzel. Houses seem small, but whiten them are village.
In hit Menzel where there were ancient looms and spindles for spinning wool.
colpito una Menzel dove erano esposti
antichi telai e fusi per filare la lana.
Trought a curtyard, where you can see a beautiful sunset, we arrive at the typical Tunisian homes, houses Menzel. Houses seem small, but whiten them are village.
In hit Menzel where there were ancient looms and spindles for spinning wool.
Inside the museum Lalla Hadria you can see the typical Tunisian clothing , worn by the Berbers in the past when they invaded Tunisia in search of gold and silver.
A journey that despite the sea and the sun takes you back in time to discover a culture that every point of view affects us today.

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